July 18, 2006

MC Devvo, and Shady Piez David Firth, of Salad Fingers fame has developed set of mockumentaries on Darren Devonshire, better known as Devvo, lampooning North English working-class Chav Culture. Devvo's an unemployed youth in the area of Doncaster , who is taking a stab at a career as a rapper, along with scamming dole money, harassing people at parks and playgrounds, and generally overusing the word "dickhead". more inside

September 19, 2005

Curious, George: Bicyclettes For Christmas last year, the Lady Squid bought the Man Squid an inexpensive mountain bike from a sporting goods chain store. Although the bike has gotten me from point A to point B plenty of times, it's now falling apart - with it in the shop just about every other week - something new (tires, tubes, rims, spokes, deraileurs, cables) seems to be breaking on it with every passing month. more inside

October 04, 2004

TNR shows that despite all of his talk, GW isn't much of a churchgoer For (four) years we've discussed how much Christianity is supposed to influence GW Bush's policy... witness the "faith based initiatives" and the "valley of peace" references. As someone who grew up in the evangelical tradition, I fully recognize that GW's speed is chock-full of evangelical language and codewords("wonder working power"). But, what amazed me, is that GW doesn't even regularly attend church... Talk amongst yourselves...

September 07, 2004

Iraq Coaltion Casualties List US Casualties in September have just hit 22, bringing the total US killed since the start of combat to one thousand (1000). Including ally deaths, this number is 1131. And, you can throw in 150 contractors killed or missing in Iraq. Not to mention the 10K plus iraqi deaths, by my math, the US is on a 1/10 casualty ratio.